
Enrolment Policy and Procedures

Enrolment decisions in public schools are made in accordance with the School Education Act (1999) and Department of Education policy, on criteria based on age, residential location, visa status and educational needs.

Who Should Complete the Enrolment Form?

A parent or a legal guardian who has responsibility for the long term care, welfare and development of the child.

Application and Eligibility

The college has accommodation for students whose families are residing within the boundary of the Ridge View Secondary College's local intake area as determined by the Department of Education at the time the enrolment commences. Siblings are not assured enrolment at the college where the family is outside the college boundary at the time of the sibling’s enrolment. A separate enrolment form needs to be completed for each child.

Local Intake Area Information

A map of the local intake area may be downloaded by clicking here.

How to receive an enrolment form?

Enrolment at Ridge View Secondary College is a two part process.  All prospective families are required to complete an Application for Enrolment form Part A and supply all the required supporting documentation.  Should the enrolment be successful, families will be notified and required to complete a Student Enrolment Form Part B.  Further information regarding the enrolment policy is available with the Application for Enrolment form Part A.  Click here to download an Application for Enrolment form Part A.

Required Documentation

To assist the college to determine the student’s eligibility under local intake, the following documentation needs to be attached to the application for enrolment:

Main Document:

  • Proof of ownership of the property where the student will reside. This may be a rates notice from the local council.


  • Where the family is in a rental agreement, a copy of the rental agreement (minimum 12 months).

Secondary Documents:

Applicants will be required to provide further pieces of evidence (minimum of 2, where one must be a utility bill) to confirm their residential address. These may include:

  • Power accounts – most current
  • Gas accounts – most current
  • Telephone accounts – most current
  • Current bank statements showing the address
  • Driver’s licence
  • Contents insurance
  • Any other documentation that may support the application as proof of residence.

Additional documents required at the time of enrolment:

  • a copy of the student's Birth Certificate;
  • passports of the parents and the student if born overseas and with Visa documents;
  • a copy of immunisation records (a requirement of the Department of Education). Parents of students vaccinated in Australia can request an immunisation History Statement at any time by telephoning ACIR (Australian Childhood Immunisation Register) on 1800 653 809 (free call) or Emailing acir@humanservices.gov.au;
  • a copy of the most recent school report and NAPLAN;
  • Family Court orders or parenting plans registered with the Family Court.

Enrolment Enquiry Form

If you have any questions regarding enrolment at Ridge View Secondary College, please fill in this form and we'll be in touch.

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