The English Learning Area at Ridge View Secondary College aims to develop students with the knowledge, skills, and values to become critical thinkers and informed citizens. In Years 7-10, students will consolidate literacy skills whilst engaging with a range of challenging and rewarding text types. They will create persuasive, imaginative and informative texts for a variety of purposes, audiences and contexts. Finally, they will build the necessary communication skills that are vital in our rapidly changing world. In Years 11-12, students will be able to select from a range of courses, including ATAR and General English. Teaching and learning programs in these courses will prepare students for the rigours of life after school, including further study and the workforce.
In addition, students can select from a variety of English elective options during their time at Ridge View Secondary College. In courses such as Journalism, students will learn to interrogate writing to uncover explicit and implicit bias. In creating texts, students will practise manipulating language and structural features for particular purposes and audiences, honing their writing skills. In Creative Writing, students will build an appreciation of the many forms of fiction. Students will create a diverse range of texts, building a wide repertoire of skills in expressing their own unique voices.