Our school provides access to Department of Education online services. These enhance the contemporary learning opportunities available to students and the range of teaching tools available to staff to deliver the Western Australian Curriculum. Online educational resources and cloud-based storage are used by teachers across Western Australia to improve student learning outcomes. Our staff make decisions about the best technology to meet the needs of our students.
The below online resources have been assessed by the Department of Education in accordance with Procedures section 3.4 of the Students Online in Public Schools Policy
Please take the time to read through the Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions of the following software and provide consent for you children.
Bundled Consent Required:
AMT Maths Competition
Website: https://www.amt.edu.au/stimulate-minds
Category: Teaching and Learning
Information provided: Staff/teacher: name, email, Student: name, email, work/content, photos or videos, Other data: school
How the information is used: Maths Competition
Where the information is stored: Outside Australia
Privacy Policy: https://www.amt.edu.au/privacy-policy
Canva for Education
Website: https://www.canva.com/education/
Category: Teaching and Learning
Information provided: Staff/teacher: name, email, Student: name, email, work/content, photos or videos, Other data: school
How the information is used: Creative design and presentation tools.
Where the information is stored: Outside Australia
Terms of Use: https://about.canva.com/terms-of-use/
Privacy Policy: https://about.canva.com/terms-of-use/
Adobe Creative Cloud
Website: https://www.adobe.com/au/creativecloud/buy/education.html
Category: Teaching and Learning.
Information provided: Staff/teacher: name and email Student: name and email, Parent: name and Contact information.
How the information is used: Includes Creative Cloud “All Apps” Education K-12 2020.
Where the information is stored: Outside Australia.
Terms of Use: https://www.adobe.com/au/privacy/policy.html
Privacy Policy: https://www.adobe.com/au/legal/terms.html
Education Perfect
Website: https://www.educationperfect.com
Category: Teaching and learning references and resources.
Information provided: Student name, student email, school, phone number, class details, school year, student work, grades or performance and videos.
How the information is used: Enables students to access an online learning and assessment platform with differentiated learning experiences. There is the option to enrol in World Series competitions against other students.
Where the information is stored: Within Australia.
Terms of Use: https://www.educationperfect.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/education_perfect_-_standard_terms_and_conditions_2018-07-26.pdf
Privacy Policy: https://www.educationperfect.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/education_perfect_-_terms_of_use_2018-07-26.pdf
Date of Assessment: https://www.educationperfect.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/education_perfect_-_privacy_policy_2018-08-13.pdf
Grok Learning
Website: https://groklearning.com/
Category: Teaching and Learning.
Information provided: Staff/teacher: name, email and other data
Student: name, email, gender and other data.
How the information is used: Online programming platform.
Where the information is stored: Within Australia
Terms of Use: https://groklearning.com/policies/terms/
Privacy Policy: https://groklearning.com/policies/privacy/ & https://groklearning.com/policies/security/
Jamf School
Website: https://www.jamf.com/products/jamf-school/
Category: Apple mobile device Management.
Information provided: Staff/teacher: name, email and personal information
Student: name and email.
How the information is used: Apple Mobile Device Management.
Where the information is stored: Outside Australia.
Terms of Use: https://www.jamf.com/privacy/
Privacy Policy: https://www.jamf.com/terms-of-use/
PAT Acer
Website: https://www.acer.org/au/pat
Category: Assessment and Testing.
Information provided: Staff/teacher: name, email, Student: name, date of birth, work/content, gender, grades or performance data, other data Parent: name, contact information.
How the information is used: Tests to provide objective, norm-referenced information about students’ skills and understandings in a range of key areas.
Where the information is stored: Within Australia.
Terms of Use: https://www.acer.org/privacy
Privacy Policy: https://www.acer.org/online-terms-of-use
Book Creator
Website: https://bookcreator.com/
Category: Teaching and Learning.
Information provided: Staff/teacher: name and email Student: name, email, work/content, photos or videos and other data.
How the information is used: Tool used for creating digital books.
Where the information is stored: Outside Australia.
Terms of Use: https://bookcreator.com/terms-of-service/
Privacy Policy: https://bookcreator.com/pp-row/
Smiling Minds
Website: https://www.smilingmind.com.au
Category: Mental Health.
Information provided: Student name, student email, date of birth, school, class details, school year, behaviour and gender.
How the information is used: This is a mindfulness meditation to assist in good mental health practices.
Where the information is stored: Within Australia.
Terms of Use: https://www.smilingmind.com.au/privacy-policy
Privacy Policy: https://www.smilingmind.com.au/collection-notice
GameMaker Studio 2
Website: https://www.yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Category: Computer programming & game design.
Information provided: Student name.
How the information is used: Students will not be asked to create their own user account and instead will have access to Gamemaker via the school’s account. Enable computer programming through game design.
Where the information is stored: Outside Australia.
Terms of Use: https://www.yoyogames.com/legal/eula
Privacy Policy: https://www.yoyogames.com/legal/privacy
Website: https://www.apple.com/au
Category: Teaching & learning.
Information provided: Staff/teacher: name, email
Student: name, email, work/content, photos or videos, grades or performance data.
Other data: school, class details, school year, student username.
How the information is used: Includes Apple School Manager, pre-loaded applications and additional modules on a Managed Apple ID.
Where the information is stored: Outside Australia.
Terms of Use: https://www.apple.com/au/privacy/
Privacy Policy: https://www.apple.com/au/privacy/
Website: https://www.autodesk.com.au/products/fusion-360/overview
Category: Teaching & learning.
Information provided: Staff/teacher: name, email, Student: name, email, geolocation data, date of birth, work.
How the information is used: Integrated CAD, CAM and CAE program
Where the information is stored: Outside Australia.
Terms of Use: https://www.autodesk.com/company/legal-notices-trademarks/privacy-statement
Privacy Policy: https://www.autodesk.com/company/legal-notices-trademarks/privacy-statement/childrens-privacy-statement
Website: https://www.tinkercad.com/
Category: Teaching & learning.
Information provided: Staff/teacher: name, email, Student: name, email, geolocation data, date of birth, work.
How the information is used: Integrated CAD, CAM and CAE program
Where the information is stored: Outside Australia.
Terms of Use: https://www.autodesk.com/company/legal-notices-trademarks/terms-of-service-autodesk360-web-services/terms-of-service-for-tinkercad
Privacy Policy: https://www.tinkercad.com/privacy
CoSpaces Edu
Website: https://cospaces.io/edu/
Category: Teaching & learning.
Information provided: Staff/teacher: name, email Student: name, work/content
How the information is used:Build 3D creations, animate them with code and explore them in Virtual or Augmented Reality.
Where the information is stored: Outside Australia.
Terms of Use: https://cospaces.io/edu/terms-of-use.html
Privacy Policy: https://cospaces.io/edu/privacy-policy.html
Website: https://code.org/
Category: Teaching & learning.
Information provided: Student name, student email, date of birth, school, class details, school year, behaviour and gender.
How the information is used: Computer science coursework for Prep to Year 12 students. Languages include visual programming, JavaScript, CSS, HTML and others.
Where the information is stored: Outside Australia.
Terms of Use: https://code.org/tos
Privacy Policy: https://code.org/privacy
Class Dojo
Website: http://www.classdojo.com/
Category: Teaching & learning.
Information provided: Student name, email, attendance, behaviour, photo, date of birth, school, class details, school year, and gender.
How the information is used: A global community of teachers and families who come together to share kids’ most important learning moments, through photos, videos, messages, and more.
Where the information is stored: Outside Australia.
Terms of Use: https://code.org/tos
Privacy Policy: https://code.org/privacy
DoE compliant software we use requiring only notification:
Consent is not required for these online resources as student data is not used beyond this company and no data is stored outside of Australia.
Compass Education
Website: https://www.compass.education
Category: School Management Software
Where the information is stored: Within Australia
Terms of Use: https://sites.google.com/a/jdlf.com.au/policies/policies
Privacy Policy: https://sites.google.com/a/jdlf.com.au/policies/privacy
Website: https://elastik.com/en-au/
Category: Online assessment tool
Where the information is stored: Within Australia
Terms of Use: https://elastik.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/elastik_Au_Security-and-Risk-Assessment_2022.pdf
Privacy Policy: https://elastik.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/elastik_Au_PrivacyPolicy_2022.pdf
Functional Solutions – Smart Suite
Website: https://www.functionalsolutions.com.au/SmartSuite
Category: References & Resources
Where the information is stored: Within Australia
Terms of Use: https://www.functionalsolutions.com.au/TsandCs
Functional Solutions – TV4Education
Website: https://www.functionalsolutions.com.au/TV4Education
Category: References & Resources
Where the information is stored: Within Australia
Terms of Use: https://www.functionalsolutions.com.au/TsandCs
Website: https://papercut.com
Category: Price Management
Where the information is stored: Within Australia
Terms of Use: https://views.papercut.com/terms-of-service/
Privacy Policy: https://www.papercut.com/privacy-policy/
Website: https://passtab.com
Category: Visitor and student management system
Where the information is stored: Within Australia
Privacy Policy: https://passtab.com/privacy.html
Stile Education
Website: https://stileeducation.com/
Category: References & Resources
Where the information is stored: Within Australia
Terms of Use: https://stileeducation.com/security
Privacy Policy: https://stileeducation.com/privacy
ASX Schools Sharemarket Game
Website: https://www2.asx.com.au/
Category:Teaching and learning.
Where the information is stored: Within Australia
Terms of Use: https://www2.asx.com.au/legals/terms-of-use
Privacy Policy: https://www2.asx.com.au/legals/privacy-statement
Website: https://www.musicedu.com.au/
Category: Teaching and learning.
Where the information is stored: Within Australia
Terms of Use: https://www.musicedu.com.au/policy-termsandconditions
Privacy Policy: https://www.musicedu.com.au/policy-privacy